In lieu of the standard "Hello World" blog post, I thought I'd write up a statement of why I, in the year two thousand and twenty two, am starting yet another "tech guy blog on personal website".
Is this pretentious? Yeah, probably. I think you earn a little forgiveness for that if you acknowledge it.
The main reason is that I like to write. I currently do all my writing for a newspaper/magazine thing at my university, mathNEWS, and it's been fun, but I'm going to graduate soon. I figure still writing for a university newspaper after you graduate from said university is acceptable for a little bit, but at some point decorum demands that you move on.
I suppose I could write into text files that just sit on my computer, but one thing I learned writing for mathNEWS is that, at least for me, the remote possibility someone will read it is infinitely more motivating than knowing no one will read it.
Hence, this blog. This offers me the same creative outlet I have now, but I can write here as long as I want. Plus, I can do things that are a little more "multimedia" than mathNEWS, which is a print-first publication.
The other, smaller reason, is that I think writing things semi-publicly will force me to be more accountable, both to the things I believe and write, and to the projects I pursue and maybe publicize here. In particular, I'm hoping that writing about my various side projects will incentivize me more to stick to them longer-term.
Actually, increasing the workload to work on a project might have the opposite effect, but I'll find out, I guess.
I think I've done enough self-indulgent writing, so I'm not going to end this with an "if you liked this post, stick around", no matter how much I want to.
Also, I have no mechanism for you to stick around besides, like, remembering to come back to this website.